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Monday, August 14, 2006

United Kingdom: Trades Union Congress Says One Miillion Over-50's Being Dumped by Employers

According to a Trade Union Congress (TUC) report, over one million 50-65 year olds who want to work can't get a job because employers won't recruit older workers or retain the ones they already employ by investing in training or making minor adjustments for disabilities.

The report--"Ready willing and able"--despite an average retirement age of 63, only 12% of non-working 50-65 year olds fit the stereotype of "early retired, affluent professionals," only a third retire early "fully voluntarily" and many survive on state support such as Incapacity Benefit or inadequate occupational pensions until they reach state pension age (65 for men, 60 for women but rising to 65 between 2010-2020).

The TUC calls on employers and government to defuse the "demographic timebomb" of a rapidly ageing workforce being pushed out of jobs and on to benefits and early pensions by introducing policies and practices to retain and recruit workers over 50.

Source: Trades Union Congress News Release (August 14, 2006)


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