
Showing posts with label Georgia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Georgia. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Survey: AARP on Georgia's Aging Workforce

A report developed by AARP in cooperation with the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute and the Georgia Department of Labor shows that between 2005 and 2025, fewer people will be entering the job market even as the demand for workers increases because of two trends: Georgia’s age 65+ population will be increasing considerably while its under-age-24 segment will be shrinking and, at the same time, the state’s economy will be expanding.

The report--White Collar, Blue Collar, Gray Hair: The Changing Composition Of Georgia's Workforce--written by Anita Stowell-Ritter concludes that if employers in Georgia are to maintain their competitive edge, they "will need to reach out to mature workers. Doing so may necessitate employers embracing a new vision of how work is done." The report provides a guide to the shifting landscape of work in Georgia with a compilation of employment projections, specific occupational profiles, and job trend indicators.
"We're going to have to change the culture of work because older workers are going to be the workers for the next 20 years," said Alan Essig, executive director of the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, which also worked on the report. "The business community's going to have to figure out ways to reach older workers, or they're not going to be able to compete."
Source: AARP Research Report (May 2007)

Additional Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution "Help wanted from older workers" (May 23, 2007)

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Coastal Georgia Seeks Older Worker of the Year, Employer of the Year

The Georgia Older Worker Network is searching for Coastal Georgia's 2005 Outstanding Older Worker and its Employer of the Year and is currently soliciting nominations from businesses and individuals. The Outstanding Older Worker must be 60 years of age or older, currently employed, and working at least 20 hours each week for pay. The Employer of the Year must show a commitment to recruit, hire and retain older workers 65 years and over who are employed by the company for 20 or more hours of paid employment (minimum wage or higher) per week.

Source: "Search Under Way for Coastal Georgia's Outstanding Older Worker and Employer of the Year" The Business Report & Journal (March 8, 2005)