The data show that the average age in these occupations ranged from 36.9 years for pharmacy technician in urban hospitals to 50.5 years for CLS in rural hospitals. For almost all occupations there is a difference in the average age based on the geographic location of the facility: the rural workforce is almost uniformly older by comparison. For some occupations, the difference is marked, including pharmacist and pharmacy technician, and to a slightly lesser extent CT technologist and MRI technologistIn addition, CHA finds that more than 2,600 allied health employees in the selected categories are expected to be eligible for retirement
within the next five years; this translates to roughly 12.5% of the total number of FTes reported by survey respondents.
Sources: California Hospital Association News Release (Feburary 10, 2011); California HealthLine "Report: Calif. Hospitals To Face Shortage of Allied Health Workers" (February 10, 2011)