
Showing posts with label Arizona. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arizona. Show all posts

Friday, February 22, 2008

Civic Ventures Report Highlights State Initiatives on Capturing Boomer Energy

A report issued by Civic Ventures shows that leaders of several state governments are taking the initiative to develop policies and programs that make the best use of boomer experience. The report--"Building an Experience Dividend: State Governments Lead Call to Engage Boomers"--focuses on developments in five states:
  • Arizona and its Mature Workforce Initiative to develop policy recommendations and launch new programs, such as a certification program given to businesses deemed "mature-worker friendly."
  • California, whose eServices offices focus on matching boomers’ desire to serve with specific labor shortages, such as the demand for math and science teachers and qualified managers in the public sector.
  • Maryland, which enacted a Baby Boomer Initiative Act in 2007, creating the Boomer Initiative Council, which is tasked with developing a strategy to keep boomers engaged in their communities through work and volunteer opportunities.
  • Massachusetts, whose governor has called for the creation of a Commonwealth Corps to give residents new opportunities to make significant commitments to service and in which legislation
    is being advanced that would create a Mature Worker Council.
  • New York, where a package of eight bills has been introduced that are hoped will jumpstart the state’s efforts to prepare for an aging workforce.
In addition, eight states are participating with the National Governors Association and Civic Ventures in a year-long program to find ways to tap skills of older workers.

Source: Civic Ventures News Release (February 7, 2008)

Additional Source: USA Today "No time to relax: States want new retirees' experience" (February 22, 2008)