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Proceedings of Past Conferences

March 14, 2008 "Work and Aging: Psychological-Organizational Science Contributions to the Management of an Aging and Age-Diverse Workforce" sponsored by The Federation of Behavioral, Psychological, and Cognitive Sciences and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology; Washington, DC

The graying of the U.S. workforce and spot shortages of young talent pose numerous immediate and long-term challenges for effective human resource management in public, private, and military organizations. Scientists at this forum will address current research on maintaining competitive advantages in a global environment, managing talent, and promoting work engagement and organizational attachment. Federal agency representatives will discuss research opportunities for scientists and participate in discussions on the future role of industrial / organizational psychology within their various agencies and the country’s workforce as a whole.

February 21-23, 2008 "Advancing Technology and Services to Promote Quality of Life" sponsored by International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence (ICADI); St. Petersburg, FL

As people age, independence can be maintained by use of assistive technology, by modifying homes, workplaces and environments and by selecting products that follow universal design principles. As people remain in the workforce into advanced years or return to work, knowledge and technologies are developing to adapt workplaces to meet their needs. Aging in the workplace is a new and significant area of focus for ICADI this year. Click here for registration information.

October 24-25, 2007 "Aging in the Workplace: Maximizing a Valuable Human Resource" sponsored by Rocky Mountain Conference on Aging; Loveland, CO

Designed for human resource professional, employer, manager, volunteer agency director, educator, employment trainer, public policy maker, a decision maker in a non-profit or governmental organization. Will provide update on current research and trends about the impact of older workers, strategies to maximize older workers as a valuable resource, and understanding of workplace environments that meet the needs of older employees and optimizes their performance. Click here for registration information.

October 20-24, 2007 3rd International Symposium on Work Ability "Promotion of Work Ability Towards a Productive Aging" sponsored by Scientific Committee on Aging and Work of the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH), the Vietnam Association of Occupational Health (VINAOH), the Ergonomics Department of the University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan (UOEH) and the Technical Committee on Aging of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA); Hanoi, Vietnam

The main topics of the Symposium will be (1) Work ability and age groups, (2) Work ability, occupational health services and rehabilitation, (3) Assessment of work ability in different occupations, (4) Factors affecting work ability and employability of the older worker, (5) Promotion of health and work ability, (6) Evaluation of work-related problems in the elderly worker, (7) Job design and work ability, and (8) Work ability and gender. Click here for registration information.

October 4, 2007 "The Economics of Aging: Is Your Business Prepared?" Fourth Annual Oregon Economic Forum. Portland, OR.

Oregon's population is aging, with extensive consequences for our economy. With the largest segment of our population entering their sixties over the next eighteen years, preparation and planning will be key to maintaining economic viability. Join us as we explore this important topic and ask key industry leaders: What are you doing to prepare your organization to meet the needs of an aging population? What steps need to be taken, both now and when employees retire (succession planning, impact on job market, your retirement and healthcare systems)?

May 30-31, 2007 Eastern Ergonomics Conference: Productivity & the Aging Workforce sponsored by Continental Exhibitions, Inc. New York, NY

Employers face two realities: the need to maintain productivity and efficiency levels despite shrinking labor pools, and the need to recruit, accommodate, and retain older workers to help offset labor shortages. A strong ergonomics program offers solutions to both issues, and two days at the EEC will show you how! Click here for registration.

April 13-14, 2007 "The Future of Work for an Aging Population" sponsored by The Center for Research and Education on Aging and Technology Enhancement (CREATE)/NIA University of Miami Center for the Advanced Study on Aging (CASA) Office of Academic Affairs, American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)' Miami, FL -- an invitational conference.

April 10, 2007 "2007 Spring Conference: Welcome to Next Generation...Everything" sponsored by Minnesota High Tech Association; Minneapolis Hyatt Regency

Will examine such topics as the IQ Highway, the Next Generation Customer, RFID and RSS technologies, workforce readiness and STEM education, Clean Technology and Energy Technology, succeeding in a 24/7 environment, software development and Web 2.0. We will also explore important generational considerations including how Gen X, Y, and Z work together, how each generation differs and how we can prepare for the aging workforce.

March 6, 2007 "The Aging Workplace: New Ideas and New Directions in Public Policy and Business Management" sponsored by National Council on Aging and The National Older Worker Employment Partnership (NOWEP); Chicago, IL

The Special Pre-Conference Summit at the 2007 NCOA/ASA Annual Joint Conference will focus on the Aging Workplace. Speakers will scan the business environment, examine workforce demographics, look at the changing nature of pensions and retirement security, and grapple with some of the larger questions: What makes an effective workplace? How do businesses plan to get the most out of a maturing workforce? What structural changes are needed to accommodate mature workers? As recent studies show, working Baby Boomers expect to continue working beyond the usual age of retirement. Yet, despite projected future shortages of workers to fill jobs, companies are not ready to provide the options that Baby Boomers need. Cumbersome labor laws and business practices place hurdles in the path of mature workers who seek flexible arrangements at work. Changes in policy and practice would assure the place of mature workers in the workforce and extend their careers.

February 21-22, 2007 "Extracting and Sharing Knowledge from an Ageing Workforce" sponsored by Key Forums; Sydney, Australia

It is a fact that within the next 5-10 years in Australia, baby boomers will be reaching retirement age. On the other side of the skills spectrum, a younger workforce (Generation Y) will be actively seeking jobs, with a completely different set of values and expectations. It is vital therefore that organisations start to capture and transfer this critical organisational knowledge from older to younger employees. In this solution-oriented conference, an expert line up of speakers will address one of the most disturbing management problems of the next few years: How do organisations transfer the critical expertise and experience of their employees before that knowledge walks out of the door? In addition, with practical case studies, roundtable discussions, interactive panel sessions and post conference workshops the conference with offer detailed and practical strategies for addressing the problem.

January 22-24, 2007 "3rd Annual Solutions to an Aging Workforce Conference" sponsored by The Power Marketing Association, Inc; Las Vegas, NV.

At least 20%, and at some companies up to 40%, of power industry employees will be eligible to retire in the next five years, and the occupations experiencing the most retirements are also the most difficult to replace. In order to to plan for our future workforce needs, the conference will provide attendees with in-depth presentations on key issues and topics of interest to the energy industry. The conference will be split into two distinct, sequential tracks – workforce development and employee and knowledge retention. Each track is designed to provide tangible strategies and techniques for immediate implementation. Attending both tracks allows attendees to integrate ideas into a comprehensive solution to their aging workforce issues. For a PDF file of the program, click here; for online registration, click here.

January 19 -20, 2007 "Occupational Medicine: The Aging Workforce" sponsored by Rocky Mountain Academy of Occupational & Environmental Medicine and Pinnacol Assurance; Denver, CO

The agenda targets the educational needs of physicians, occupational health nurses and other professionals in the field of occupational and environmental health. The conference will explore updates in specific medical topics relevant to occupational medicine, physical medicine, rehabilitation and workers’ compensation. Attendees will gain specific clinical and systems knowledge to meet the needs of the working population in the Rocky Mountain region.

November 28-December 1, 2006 "12th Annual National Ergonomics Conference and Exposition" sponsored by Continental Exhibitions, Inc; Las Vegas, NV.

The year's conference tracks will include, among others, a track on the Aging Workforce, and Deborah Russell, Director of Workforce Issues, AARP will deliver one of the keynote speeches and address accommodating the aging workforce on November 30o. Among the concurrent sessions offered, there will be sessions on "Successfully Promoting Safety Within an Older Workforce," "Safety & the Aging Worker: Strategies for Office & Factory Environments," and "Employer Best Practices for Accommodating Mature Workers."

November 14, 2006 "Summit on the Mature Workforce 2006" sponsored by Workplace Institute; Toronto, Canada

Under the theme "Wake Up to the Revolution! – Maximizing the Potential of a Mature Workforce," the second annual workplace summit will will bring together leading academics, organizational development professionals and business leaders to explore these issues and present innovative solutions to attracting, motivating and retaining their older employees and strengthen organizations. In addition, a half-day workshop will be held the day before to find out what innovative programs and policies other organizations are implementing to prepare for a radically changed workforce. to discover how to stem knowledge loss, learn the importance of succession planning, and find out how to identify and retain key personnel.

October 26-27, 2006 "The Aging Workforce Summit" sponsored by PME Enterprises; Chicago.

The Summit is a national conference designed to educate and motivate senior corporate executives about the bottom line impact of the financial and healthcare shortfalls exacerbated by an aging workforce. It will feature general sessions providing information and solutions for companies addressing age-driven financial issues such as retirement savings shortfalls, the rising cost of healthcare, lost intellectual capital, etc., and their combined impact on the company. It will also include how-to sessions, case studies and workshops.

October 19, 2006 HR Seminar Series: Ageing Workforce, sponsored by Lexis-Nexis, Wellington, NZ (repeats October 27 in Auckland)/

Workplace planning strategies to harness the benefits of an increasingly older labour market. Key sessions include: strategies for workforce planning that optimise the available ‘supply’ of employees; position your organisation to attract and retain an ageing workforce; optimally manage multigenerational diversity and work-life balance; and critical considerations for occupational health and workspace accommodations.

September 14, 2006, October 19, 2006 "Aging Workforce Series" sponsored by the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce Workplace Excellence Committee, Chicago, IL.

This three-part series will explore changes in workforce demographics, including impending Baby Boomer retirements and a shrinking pool of younger workers that will lead to pronounced shortages of labor, knowledge and skill in a growing number of industry sectors. Such changes likely will force businesses to reinvent the way they manage workers and preserve critical knowledge and skills.

September 4, 2006, "Employment of the Older Worker Summit" called by the Retirement Commissioner the EEO ommissioner.

Materials available from summit include:

July 26-28, 2006 "Ageing Workforce: effectively managing workforce planning with an aging labour market" sponsored by Institute of International Research (IRR), Sydney, Australia.

Topics to be covered include implementing age management strategies to meet organisational development and workforce needs; scoping the workforce to identify untapped talent; retaining vital corporate knowledge and staff skills through effective succession planning; reducing risk exposure to compensable disabilities and emerging legal liabilities; redefining workplaces with flexible work practices, phased retirement options and enabling technology.

July 26, 2006 "2010 Talent Readiness Assessment: Are you ready for the looming talent crisis?" sponsored by Knowledge Infusion, webinar.

Are you ready for the looming talent crisis? Many compelling macroeconomic and workforce trends indicate that by 2010 the traditional workforce will shrink dramatically. Organizations that will thrive in the 21st century will develop innovative and fluid ways to manage a multifaceted workforce in a complex business environment.

June 23, 2006 "The Aging Workforce: Challenge or Opportunity?", hosted by the University of Pittsburgh's Institute of Politics, Pittsburgh, PA.

This event will bring national and regional leaders together to consider the implications of southwest Pennsylvania's aging workforce. Regional research indicates that the mining, manufacturing, transportation and utility industries are disproportionately mature and that few companies in these sectors have fully considered the implications of their workforce demographics.

June 15-16, 2006 Solutions to an Aging Workforce, hosted by Electric Utility Consultants, Inc., Atlanta, GA

May 31-June 2, 2006 Aging of the Workforce: Competitive Advantages or Vulnerabilities, hosted by Boston College Center on Aging & Work, Newport, RI

The following conference presentations are available online in PDF format:

May 24, 2006 Connecting with Experience: Iowa Governor's Conference on 50+ Workers, hosted by Governor Vilsack, the Iowa Department of Elder Affairs and AARP, West Des Moine, IA See advice to workers and employers from speakers at the conference.

May 24, 2006 Where Will All the Boomers Go?, hosted by Northeast Minnesota State Colleges, Duluth, Minnesota, and various simulcast locations. See story about what speakers said.

May 18, 2006 Managing the 21st Century Workplace, hosted by University of Indianapolis Center for Aging & Community, Indianapolis, Indiana

April 3, 2006 AMR Research Live: The Aging Workforce Live Webcast

March 30, 2006 Ageing in the Workplace: A Win-Win Knowledge, Expertise and Experience London, England

February 12-14, 2006 US Pensions and Investment Summit Amelia Island, Florida

February 7, 2006 Productive Aging: Boon or Burden?, presented by Urban Institute. Audio available for welcome from Kathleen Courrier, vice president of communications, Urban Institute, and opening remarks of Abigail Trafford, columnist, Washington Post, as well as presentations by Scott Bass, dean, Graduate School, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Sheila Zedlewski, director, Income and Benefits Policy Center, Urban Institute, Karyne Jones, president and CEO, National Caucus and Center on Black Aged, and Harry R. Moody, director of academic affairs, AARP <

September 12-13, 2005 "The Coming of Age: A Dialogue on the Dynamics of an Aging Population 2006 Governor's Summit on Aging sponsored by the Idaho Commission on Aging, Boise, ID

During this Summit, one will choose from 40 sessions and panel discussions, have two luncheon speakers, a keynote speaker and be a participant at the closing plenary session. The first day afternoon session is focused on Workplace Issues; the track will explore how to respond to the aging population in the workplace, intergenerational differences, flexibility, career retooling, succession planning, workforce retention, rehiring, phased retirement, accommodations, post retirement jobs labor market, and much more.

April 13, 2005 Age discrimination outlawed: maximising older workers' performance and potential London, England