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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

New Zealand: Extending Vocational Rehabilitation to Workers Over 65

New Zealand's Minister of Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) announced that injured New Zealanders who are over 65 and want to return to the workforce will have better access to vocational rehabilitation under a law change that became effective October 1, 2008. According to Street, "People over 65 who are working are entitled to weekly compensation for up to two years if they are injured. Over 65s are eligible for both compensation and superannuation for the first year, but have to elect one or the other for the second year."

Before the change, only over 65's already receiving weekly compensation were entitled to vocational rehabilitation or return to work assistance, and only for up to two years. Under the new law, "they will also be entitled to vocational rehabilitation if they are on superannuation and that period of entitlement will extend to three years and beyond if ACC determines it will help them back into the workforce."

Source: Accident Compensation Corporation Press Release (October 1, 2008)

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