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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Canada: Economic Report on Ontario Points to Aging Workforce

The "Ontario's Long-Term Report on the Economy," issued by the Ministry of Finance, states that, among other things, Ontario's working-age population share (ages 15-64) will decrease from 69.4% of the population in 2009 to 61.5% by 2030. In absolute numbers, the working-age population is expected to increase by 13.5%, but that is about half the growth seen over the previous two decades.
Population aging and the slowing pace of growth in the working-age group could contribute to a slower rate of future real gross domestic product (GDP) growth.

Since participation in the job market is significantly lower for older age groups, population aging will be a factor in slower labour-force growth to 2030. As the large cohorts of baby boomers reach retirement age, the number of people turning 65 is projected to surpass the number entering the working-age group (at age 15) from 2017 until the early 2030s. As a result, the working-age group will grow solely because of net migration during this period.
While looking to immigration, the report also encourage policies and workplace initiatives that promote more flexible work arrangements in all segments of the working-age population and specifically put forward facilitating phased retirements as a way to encourage skilled workers to remain in the workforce longer, either full time or part time.

Source: Ontario Ministry of Finance News Release (January 22, 2010)

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