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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

United Kingdom: Older Workers Worried about Recession

Workers aged 50 and over in the United Kingdom are worried about a recession double whammy according to a survey released by Help the Aged and Age Concern: afraid they will be forced out of their jobs due to their age and worried that their retirement incomes will be decimated by the recession. On the job front, 28% fear that their age will see them forced out of jobs if their employer decides to reduce staff numbers due to the economic downturn; and on the retirement income front, 47% said they are less confident than six months ago that their pension and savings will provide them with a comfortable standard of living in retirement.
This situation means for many‚ continuing working and retaining earning potential is more important than ever before. A massive 60 per cent of respondents said the recession has meant they will have to or want to work longer than originally planned. Yet‚ the economic situation and the lack of support available for over 50s who do lose their job will leave many of them permanently out of work and facing a long and difficult retirement.
Source: Age Concern News Release (May 26, 2009)

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