World Ecnomic Forum Develops Scenarios To Help Aging Societies Deal with Pensions and Healthcare
The World Economic Forum has issued a report arguing that the unprecedent rate of aging in the world is undermining the financial sustainability of traditional pension systems and healthcare and that urgent action is required in many countries. Through the use of scenario thinking, "The Future of Pensions and Healthcare in a Rapidly Ageing World-–Scenarios to 2030" aims to "bring the long-term consequences of ageing societies closer to the realities facing governments, businesses and NGOs today, and help everyone prepare for the challenges and opportunities that they imply."
In particular, the Forum argues that indicates that new forms of collaboration between key stakeholders--individuals, financial institutions, healthcare providers, employers and governments--will be critical to finance the ongoing well-being of current and future generations in a sustainable manner.
Source: World Economic Forum Press Release (September 23, 2008)