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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

United Kingdom: Survey Shows Continued Age Discrimination Affecting Older Workers

According to a survey conducted by the Age and Employment Network (TAEN), only 10% of surveyed jobseekers in the United Kingdom aged 50 and over could say they had never experienced age discrimination when looking for work. In addition, just 13% thought the UK age discrimination legislation introduced in October 2006 had helped older people find work.

TAEN's "Survey of Jobseekers Aged 50+" also surveyed employer perceptions. While 67% of jobseekers felt they had the right skills for today’s labour market, 63% believed they were seen as too old by employers and 42% said they were seen as too experienced or over-qualified.

Chris Ball, Chief Executive of TAEN , commented:
We began gathering responses to our survey in January 2008, before the labour market slowdown and the crisis in financial markets started to bite. Our data represents responses from older jobseekers in a context when personal financial worries were probably less grave. We cannot but be concerned that the over-50s are going to face even greater barriers as the economy deteriorates.
Source: The Age and Employment Network Press Release (October 27, 2008)

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