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Saturday, March 03, 2007

United States Senate: Bills Introduced To Help Older Workers and Businesses Hiring Them

Two bills have bene introduced in the U.S. Senate by Sen. Herb Kohl (D-WI) to benefit older workers and businesses in America. The first, "he Older Worker Opportunity Act of 2007" (S.708), pa tax credit for businesses that employ older workers (ages 62 and up) in a "flexible work program," which must provide a full- or part- time flexible work schedule and full pension and health care benefits. The credit equals 25 percent of an older worker's wages, and expires after 2010.

The second, the Health Care and Training for Older Workers Act (S.709), would extend COBRA health insurance from the time of retirement (ages 62 and up) until seniors become eligible for Medicare at age 65, as well as improves access for seniors to federally-funded job training programs. In addition, the bill would establish through the Department of Labor a clearinghouse of best practices in the private and public sectors for hiring and retaining older workers.

Source: Senate Special Commitee on Aging Press Release (February 28, 2007)

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