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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Rise in Age Bias Suits Linked to Rise in Older Workers

Writing in the National Law Journal, Tresa Baldas reports that employment attorneys say the surge in age bias lawsuits is mainly due to the fact that a large part of the work force is getting older, staying healthier, and choosing to work longer. For example, Gary Phelan of Outten & Golden reports that his firm has seen a 50% increase in age bias claims in the last year and claims that employers still aren't taking age discrimination seriously.
Employers have been put on the alert, said attorney Zachary Hummel of Bryan Cave's New York office, who represents employers in labor matters.

"As our work force ages--and I have many clients watching that happen within their work force--practitioners are anticipating what certainly will come, and that is more age-based suits," Hummel said. "And those of us that do a lot of advising work with clients ... we certainly are concerned about that because age discrimination claims are difficult cases to defend."
Source: National Law Journal "Age Bias Suits on the Rise With Older Employees Working Longer" (March 16, 2007)


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