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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Canada: Expert Panel Releases Discussion Paper on Older Worker Challenges and Policy Issues

Following up on the appointment of the Expert Panel on Older Workers, Erminie Cohen, Chair of the Panel, launched a public discussion paper, which highlights the main issues older workers face in the
labour market and will serve as a vehicle for the Panel's discussions and consultations. The Panel encourages people to read the document and send in written submissions; guidelines for submissions are available on the Panel's website.

The purpose of the paper--"Older Workers: Challenges and Policy Issues"--"is to provide Canadians with an opportunity to consider the labour market issues affecting older workers today and in generations to come. It is designed to support a dialogue with the provinces and territories, as well as with a broad range of stakeholders and academics. In so doing, it provides details on labour market pressures, and on this group of workers, particularly displaced older workers, and asks questions of which the answers could help frame the development of future policy initiatives."

Source: Expert Panel on Older Workers Press Release (March 9, 2007)


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