Study: Links between the Work and Health of Older Women Go Unexplored
A report issued by Help the Aged and The Age and Employment Networks (TAEN) hows how little is known about the work and health of older women. According to the findings of of the paper--"Older Women, Work and Health--reviewing the evidence", greater commitment to age and gender equality is needed in occupational health research, the organisation of work, workplace health interventions and in the framing of wider social policy if the needs of older working women are to be met.
Pamela Holmes, healthy ageing spokeswomen for Help the Aged, says: “We believe taking action in mid-life is vital to preventing deprivation and to reducing the risk of ill health in old age. Women live longer than men, but earn far less, with lower levels of savings and pension provision. It’s critical that women who need or want to work in their 50s and beyond should be able to so – and for work to be beneficial rather than detrimental to their health.Source: The Age and Employment Network (TAEN) Press Release (November 7, 2006)
“We hope the publication of this report will help draw attention to the gaps in our knowledge in this important area. We urge government, employers, occupational health professionals and researchers to take steps to address the issues raised.”
Labels: Health and Safety, Women