Among other results, the survey shows that a broad majority of Europeans believe that being over 50 (69%) is a disadvantage in their society, and many also believe that more people over 50 (72%) are needed in the workplace.
When it comes to getting a job, disability and age are the two main factors which Europeans believe put people most at a disadvantage. Close to 8 out of 10 respondents feel that with equivalent qualifications, a person aged 50 or over stands less chance when it comes to employment or promotion compared with a person aged under 50, and similarly a disabled person compared with an able-bodied person. Many respondents (68%) believe that, for women, family responsibilities are an obstacle to accessing management positions. Support for this view is particularly strong in Spain and Germany (both 76%).Source: Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities News Release (January 23, 2007)
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