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Sunday, January 28, 2007

European Year for Equal Opportunities for All Launches

The 2007 European Year for Equal Opportunities for All (EYEO), which kicks off in Berlin on January 30th at the first ever Equality Summit, launched its website and published the results of an EU survey on anti-discrimination. The survey--Special Eurobaromter: Discrimination in the European Union--highlights that awareness of the existence of anti-discrimination laws (on grounds of sex, ethnic or racial origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion or belief) is still relatively low in the EU.

Among other results, the survey shows that a broad majority of Europeans believe that being over 50 (69%) is a disadvantage in their society, and many also believe that more people over 50 (72%) are needed in the workplace.
When it comes to getting a job, disability and age are the two main factors which Europeans believe put people most at a disadvantage. Close to 8 out of 10 respondents feel that with equivalent qualifications, a person aged 50 or over stands less chance when it comes to employment or promotion compared with a person aged under 50, and similarly a disabled person compared with an able-bodied person. Many respondents (68%) believe that, for women, family responsibilities are an obstacle to accessing management positions. Support for this view is particularly strong in Spain and Germany (both 76%).
Source: Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities News Release (January 23, 2007)


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