AARP Announces 2006 Best Employers for Workers Over 50
In releasing its list of the 2006 AARP Best Employers for Workers Over 50, AARP says that enlightened employers are making strategic business decisions in addressing the needs of an aging workforce by increasingly providing flexible work arrangements that accommodate the schedules of the employees and their families.
The top finisher was Mercy Health System of Janesville, Wisconsin, which offers "numerous flexible options, including weekend-only work, nursing "float" options (work at different facilities and or departments), work-at-home opportunities, 'seasonal work' programs that allow staffers to go on leave for extended periods while maintaining benefit eligibility, and on-call assignments that involve a limited number of hours per month that can be expanded and/or contracted based on the employee's availability."
The well-known employers in the top 50 include Volkswagen of America, Inc., Hoffmann-La Roche Inc., Principal Financial Group, and Busch Entertainment Corporation. Their offerings include full and part-time employees flex time, compressed work schedules, job sharing and telecommuting, phasing into retirement with part-time work, and retiree work opportunities, inclduing offering temporary work assignments, consulting work, and telecommuting.
Source: AARP Press Release (August 30, 2006)
Additional Resources: "Healthy look at retaining older workers" Chicago Tribune article on Mercy Health System (August 31, 2006)
Labels: AARP