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Monday, April 03, 2006

Seminar Offered on Managing Health and Productivity of Aging Workforce

The Disability Management Employer Coalition (DMEC) has announced its 2006 Management Series of half day seminars that provide employers with practical problem-solving tools. This year's schedule includes an offering on "Health and Productivity Management with an Aging Workforce," sponsored by UnumProvident. This seminar will:
  • Define current health, productivity and economic patterns related to an aging work force
  • Illustrate the labor market dynamics that impact hiring, retention and retirement over the next decade
  • Present the building blocks of a productive aging program as part of corporate based disability management, benefit design and human resource management strategies.
It will be offered May 18 in Atlanta, GA, May 25 in Newton, MA, September 7 in Santa Clara, CA, September 14 in Tampa, FL, and September 21 in Houston, TX.

Source: Press Release PressWire (April 3, 2006)

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