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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Arkansas Announces Mature Worker Initiative

Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has announced a new workforce development program--the Arkansas Mature Worker Initiative. This program will highlight featured employers who have made a commitment to hire mature workers, many of which companies have offices in Arkansas.
“It’s encouraging to see these companies recognize the value of the countless mature workers we have in Arkansas,” said Gov. Mike Huckabee. “I hope more employers see these workers are known to have essential qualities needed for today’s jobs, including loyalty, dedication and responsibility.”
After rolling out a program on the national level, AARP selected Arkansas as a pilot state, and Gov. Huckabee selected the initiative as one of his top priorities for the Arkansas Workforce Investment Board. Several regional meetings will be held across the state to inform employers about the initiative, at which a panel of employers will discuss the initiative and how their companies have benefited from hiring mature workers.

Source: News Release Department of Workforce Services (April 12, 2006)


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