Labor Department Solicits Grant Applications for Senior Community Service Employment
The Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor has published a notice of availability of funds and solicitation for grant applications for the national grants portion of the Senior Community Service Employment Program. $341 million is being made available for projects that will promote part-time work-based training opportunities in local communities for unemployed, low-income individuals who are age 55 and over, and will foster increased prospects for their economic self-sufficiency. SCSEP is the only nationwide Federal program that focuses on training and placing older individuals into community work-based training and unsubsidized employment.
DOL is especially interested in organizations that demonstrate a partnership with local One-Stop Career Centers and community colleges and that promote employment through high growth job opportunities. Applicants are required to apply for contiguous locations within a state.
The closing date for receipt of applications is April 17, 2006. Full details are available on the DOL website.
Source: Summary Federal Register (March 2, 2006)