Census Bureau Highlights Dramatic Changes in U.S.Aging
The U.S. Censusu Bureau has issued a report commissioned by the National Institute on Aging (NIA), a component of the National Institutes of Health, that shows that today’s older Americans are very different from their predecessors, living longer, having lower rates of disability, achieving higher levels of education and less often living in poverty. Among other things. according to "65+ in the United States: 2005", the proportion of Americans with at least a bachelor’s degree grew five-fold from 1950 to 2003, from 3.4% to 17.4% and by 2030, more than one-fourth of the older population is expected to have an undergraduate degree.
Work and retirement was a major focus of the economics section of the report, including such topics as labor force participation rights, transitions to retirement, the work status of older workers, the health, wealth, and education of older workers, reasons for retirement, retirement preparedness, and retirement of the baby boom generation.
Source: Press Release US Census Bureau (March 9, 2006)
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