Europe: Aging Workforce Issues Part of Annual EU Labor Progress Report
The European Commission has published "Time to Move Up A Gear" The European Commission's 2006 Annual Progress Report on Growth and Jobs to reinforce momentum and force the pace of delivery. The report, and its separate national evaluations, provides an analysis of the 25 new National Reform Programmes submitted by Member States, identifies the strengths in different programmes with a view to promoting the exchange of good ideas, and highlights areas where there are shortcomings and proposes concrete action at EU and national level to deal with them.
In the third of the four priority action areas--employment policies to get people into work, the EU proposes that, to help increase employment rates and to finance pensions and health care for an ageing population, Member States should adopt a lifecycle approach to employment, with people of all ages offered the support they need. In addition, it says "active ageing" should be implemented, with more training for those over 45, financial incentives for prolonging working lives and use of part-time work.
Source: News Release European Commission (January 25, 2006)
Labels: Europe