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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Australia: Industry Not Stepping Up To Challenge of Aging Baby Boomers

A report from ABC Melbourne says that, at a recent seminar sponsored by Monash University’s Australian Centre for Research in Employment and Work, participants were told that, "despite the Federal Government pushing for greater participation of older workers in the labour market, industry is failing to develop proactive approaches for keeping Australia’s baby boomers in the workforce." Dr Glennis Hanley, from Monash University’s Department of Management, said that "[b]usinesses need to employ the broad-based business experiences of baby boomers to foster and transfer cross-generational knowledge as a means of integrating the diverse abilities of today’s heterogeneous workplace." According to Dr Tui McKeown, also from the Department of Management, by 2020 that 50 per cent of the current workforce will have retired and "[n]o action is currently being taken to recognise the skills of older workers." Drs. Hanley and McKeown are conducting research on Will You Still Need Me, Will You Still Feed Me, When I'm 64?.

Source: ABC Melbourne November, 28, 2005


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