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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Employers Encouraged To Include Age of Workers in Diversity Thinking

Based on an executive strategy briefing entitled, "Maximizing Human Capital Assets Through Generational Competence," Ceridian is encouraging employers to evaluate their organization's level of "generational competence" to determine how well they have adapted to meet the different needs of the four generations of workers now employed in today's U.S. workforce. "While today's workplace has made great progress in recognizing and embracing differences, until now age has rarely been part of the diversity agenda. A company's generational competence will become a major factor to help organizations achieve the full contribution of their most talented employees," according to the sutdy's lead author, Diane Piktialis, Ph.D., director of work-life services for Ceridian.
“An organization’s viability depends on its ability to hire, retain—and gain the full contribution of—the most talented employees across the generations,” said Piktialis. By instituting human capital management processes, designing benefits and employee effectiveness services, and tailoring talent management to address the needs and earn the engagement of employees of different generations, an organization is taking steps toward generational competence.”

To ultimately seize the opportunities of a multigenerational workforce and achieve generational competence, Ceridian encourages employers to understand and build awareness of generational differences; study how different generations interact, use products and access services within the enterprise; leverage generational understanding to identify market opportunities and to improve marketing, product development, customer service and management practices; and design projects to provide opportunities for cross-generational collaboration.
Source: News Release Ceridian (August 1, 2005)

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