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Saturday, June 18, 2005

Business community makes recommendations for White Conference on Aging

At the "Voice of Business on the Mature Workforce"--a run-up miniconference for this year's White House Conference on the Aging--sponsored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, SHRM, and AARP, among others, business representatives voted to present four recommendations to be presented at the December conference to redesign public policies to accommodate a maturing workforce and retirees. As reported by UPI, speakers at the forum discussed the challenges facing the United States as older workers become the fastest-growing segment of the workforce. The four recommendations that will be sent to the White House are:
  • allowing greater flexibility in retirement plan design and management;
  • removing unnecessary rules and regulations in the private pension system;
  • developing phased retirement programs, and
  • creating a bipartisan commission to address the issue of mature workers.
Source: "Chamber of Commerce weighs in on retirement" Monsters and Critics.com (June 17, 2005)

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