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Monday, May 23, 2005

Law Firm Cautions Employers On ADEA Language in Separation Waviers

Roxane Sokolove Marenberg, Adrianne C. Mazura, Dov Grunschlag and Charlene Wilson of DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary, responding to a recent court of appeals decision "that the release of ADEA claims contained in a general release and covenant not to sue was sufficiently ambiguous that it did not constitute a knowing and voluntary waiver of the employee's rights under the ADEA," caution employers to make sure that they follow waiver requirements or otherwise they may find that a claim they believed was settled or released is in fact alive.

Source: "Ambiguities in ADEA Waivers May Crater Releases" Mondaq (requires free registration) (May 20, 2005)

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